Oxyplus - Premium Plus (99%)

Next Generation PSA oxygen generator
Oxyplus Technologies introduces Premium Plus, ultimate development in the world of PSA oxygen generators.
Combining cutting edge performance and design, Premium Plus delivers your choice of high concentration medical oxygen with an exceptional stability. For the first time, oxygen concentration becomes an adjustable parameter between 96 and 99,5%, and never varies above +/-0,2%. This is the next generation PSA, by Oxyplus Technologies
Ultimate performances -
- 96 - 99,5% oxygen purity ±0,2%
- 6 or 10 bar outlet pressure, without additional booster
- Automatic mode with self-adjustment of production parameters depending on the healthcare facility's consumption
- Energy saving working mode
- Adjustable concentration on-site by end-user
Combining ultra-high oxygen concentration – comparable to liquid oxygen-, and ultra-low concentration fluctuation, Premium Plus becomes the only generators compatible with all types of ventilators on market.
Technical Specification -
Output oxygen details :
- Oxygen : 96 to 99,5% ± 0,2%
- Water content : <67 ppm (dew pt.< -75°C)
- CO : < 2 pm
- CO2 : < 150 ppm
- SO2 : 0 ppm
- NOx : 0 ppm
Production pressure :
- 6 bar ( 10 bar version available upon request)
Control :
- Touch screen OXYPLUS VisiO3, with enhanced function of monitoring, including communication capabilities and continuous recording of running parameters and oxygen quality
Standards compliance :
- EN ISO 7386-1
- ISO 10083
- European pharmacopeia
- HTM 02-01
- NFPA 99c

Data measured with minimum 96% purity
Advanced control panel VisioHD -
- Production parameters display
- Wireless remote monitoring & management via Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G/4G capabilities.
- Maintenance plan management
- Real time curve drawing of oxygen purity and pressure
- Historical logging of all alarms
- 24/7 recording capacities
- Automatic permutation and automatic start/stop capabilities in case of combination of several generators
- Multi-language support